I sit in one of the dives陋肆选一我可酌
On Fifty-second Street位于五十二小巷
Uncertain and afraid迷迷瞪瞪心惶惶
As the clever hopes expire机巧痴痴再无望
Of a low dishonest decade:十年誉信空泛去
Waves of anger and fear怒浪滚滚又惧惧
Circulate over the bright明织暗体布罗网
And darkened lands of the earth,大地变此黑白党
Obsessing our private lives;只顾门前命是私
The unmentionable odour of death死气浊浊难阻挡
Offends the September night.犯九犯忌九月夜
On Fifty-second Street位于五十二小巷
Uncertain and afraid迷迷瞪瞪心惶惶
As the clever hopes expire机巧痴痴再无望
Of a low dishonest decade:十年誉信空泛去
Waves of anger and fear怒浪滚滚又惧惧
Circulate over the bright明织暗体布罗网
And darkened lands of the earth,大地变此黑白党
Obsessing our private lives;只顾门前命是私
The unmentionable odour of death死气浊浊难阻挡
Offends the September night.犯九犯忌九月夜
Accurate scholarship can学人治学理确确
Unearth the whole offence掘 掘 全言是罪行
From Luther until now由自路德始至今
That has driven a culture mad,驶来一路亦疯癫
Find what occurred at Linz,林茨希魔生此地
What huge imago made 意向复孵尽何如
A psychopathic god:你主也患颠茄病
I and the public know我与众生有所知
What all schoolchildren learn,莘莘学子也事明
Those to whom evil is done罪已落实犯有人
Do evil in return.罪亦言他复转回
Unearth the whole offence掘 掘 全言是罪行
From Luther until now由自路德始至今
That has driven a culture mad,驶来一路亦疯癫
Find what occurred at Linz,林茨希魔生此地
What huge imago made 意向复孵尽何如
A psychopathic god:你主也患颠茄病
I and the public know我与众生有所知
What all schoolchildren learn,莘莘学子也事明
Those to whom evil is done罪已落实犯有人
Do evil in return.罪亦言他复转回
Exiled Thucydides knew修昔底德刑中悟
All that a speech can say所言一切可辩护
About Democracy,
And what dictators do,一言蔽之是民主
The elderly rubbish they talk老生常谈如鄙屣
To an apathetic grave;墓暮寡情更薄义
Analysed all in his book,头头是道做字书
The enlightenment driven away,矢至启时变蒙蔽
The habit-forming pain,习一成惯这般苦
Mismanagement and grief:一塌糊涂更忧郁
We must suffer them all again.一忍再忍无厘头
About Democracy,
And what dictators do,一言蔽之是民主
The elderly rubbish they talk老生常谈如鄙屣
To an apathetic grave;墓暮寡情更薄义
Analysed all in his book,头头是道做字书
The enlightenment driven away,矢至启时变蒙蔽
The habit-forming pain,习一成惯这般苦
Mismanagement and grief:一塌糊涂更忧郁
We must suffer them all again.一忍再忍无厘头
Into this neutral air气无善恶飘熠熠
Where blind skyscrapers use摩天蒙眼巨厦屹
Faces along the bar居高临下谓何许
The strength of Collective Man,力量来自这集体
Each language pours its vain知无不言言已尽
Competitive excuse:谦谦君子来攀比:
But who can live for long蝇营狗苟堪高寿
In an euphoric dream;醉生乐乐在梦里
Out of the mirror they stare,镜像一出 众 星似
Imperialism's face帝国主义一面孔
And the international wrong.因特纳熊那叫哄
Faces along the bar酒吧面孔面孔巴
Cling to their average day:庸庸碌碌日日晴
The lights must never go out,日光从不曾出户
The music must always play,乐声生生不曾停
All the conventions conspire阴谋论也很保守
To make this fort assume筑垒围墙启碉堡
The furniture of home;家具一应俱俱堆
Lest we should see where we are,至少我等觅所在
Lost in a haunted wood,鬼楼潜身不见鬼
Children afraid of the night一入夜夜孩怕怕
Who have never been happy or good.从来惴 惴无安安
Where blind skyscrapers use摩天蒙眼巨厦屹
Faces along the bar居高临下谓何许
The strength of Collective Man,力量来自这集体
Each language pours its vain知无不言言已尽
Competitive excuse:谦谦君子来攀比:
But who can live for long蝇营狗苟堪高寿
In an euphoric dream;醉生乐乐在梦里
Out of the mirror they stare,镜像一出 众 星似
Imperialism's face帝国主义一面孔
And the international wrong.因特纳熊那叫哄
Faces along the bar酒吧面孔面孔巴
Cling to their average day:庸庸碌碌日日晴
The lights must never go out,日光从不曾出户
The music must always play,乐声生生不曾停
All the conventions conspire阴谋论也很保守
To make this fort assume筑垒围墙启碉堡
The furniture of home;家具一应俱俱堆
Lest we should see where we are,至少我等觅所在
Lost in a haunted wood,鬼楼潜身不见鬼
Children afraid of the night一入夜夜孩怕怕
Who have never been happy or good.从来惴 惴无安安
The windiest militant trash颠颠武人一垃圾
Important Persons shout人五人六喊叫声
Is not so crude as our wish:奢望有无无奢望
What mad Nijinsky wrote疯疯尼氏这般写
About Diaghilev
Is true of the normal heart;胸满堂堂有达基
For the error bred in the bone入骨繁衍有男女
Of each woman and each man
Craves what it cannot have,坟茔不填爱无情
Not universal love
But to be loved alone.独孤一翁孤零零
Important Persons shout人五人六喊叫声
Is not so crude as our wish:奢望有无无奢望
What mad Nijinsky wrote疯疯尼氏这般写
About Diaghilev
Is true of the normal heart;胸满堂堂有达基
For the error bred in the bone入骨繁衍有男女
Of each woman and each man
Craves what it cannot have,坟茔不填爱无情
Not universal love
But to be loved alone.独孤一翁孤零零
From the conservative dark
Into the ethical life昏往暗夜入正道
The dense commuters come,乘客如海人如烟
Repeating their morning vow;一再诺诺做晨宣
"I will be true to the wife,“吾将势做一贤妻
I'll concentrate more on my work,不遗余力事竟成"
And helpless governors wake朽坏官员无指望
To resume their compulsory game:强制游戏复还还
Who can release them now,谁能释者如斯夫
Who can reach the deaf, 谁能振聋而发聩
Who can speak for the dumb?谁能言说避耳聋?
Into the ethical life昏往暗夜入正道
The dense commuters come,乘客如海人如烟
Repeating their morning vow;一再诺诺做晨宣
"I will be true to the wife,“吾将势做一贤妻
I'll concentrate more on my work,不遗余力事竟成"
And helpless governors wake朽坏官员无指望
To resume their compulsory game:强制游戏复还还
Who can release them now,谁能释者如斯夫
Who can reach the deaf, 谁能振聋而发聩
Who can speak for the dumb?谁能言说避耳聋?
All I have is a voice 一切声息还一语
To undo the folded lie, 拆解遮蔽大谎言
The romantic lie in the brain 罗曼谎话至脑残
Of the sensual man-in-the-street 隅隅街人低智向
And the lie of Authority 当局谎言接连篇
Whose buildings grope the sky:造楼顶天天很lou
There is no such thing as the State 事事糜烂国不国
And no one exists alone; 无人可处孤独宫
Hunger allows no choice 饥寒交迫无饥择
To the citizen or the police; 公民抑或小警官
We must love one another or die. 没有互爱或将死
To undo the folded lie, 拆解遮蔽大谎言
The romantic lie in the brain 罗曼谎话至脑残
Of the sensual man-in-the-street 隅隅街人低智向
And the lie of Authority 当局谎言接连篇
Whose buildings grope the sky:造楼顶天天很lou
There is no such thing as the State 事事糜烂国不国
And no one exists alone; 无人可处孤独宫
Hunger allows no choice 饥寒交迫无饥择
To the citizen or the police; 公民抑或小警官
We must love one another or die. 没有互爱或将死
Defenceless under the night夜夜无碍也无防
Our world in stupor lies;谎言使人装死睡
Yet, dotted everywhere,点缀点点处处在
Ironic points of light 曝光要害很讽刺
Flash out wherever the Just
Exchange their messages:息息相关要变革:
May I, composed like them
Of Eros and of dust, 合爱同尘我组枸
Beleaguered by the same
Negation and despair,难突绝望与沮丧
Show an affirming flame. 昭然 烟絮明晃晃
Our world in stupor lies;谎言使人装死睡
Yet, dotted everywhere,点缀点点处处在
Ironic points of light 曝光要害很讽刺
Flash out wherever the Just
Exchange their messages:息息相关要变革:
May I, composed like them
Of Eros and of dust, 合爱同尘我组枸
Beleaguered by the same
Negation and despair,难突绝望与沮丧
Show an affirming flame. 昭然 烟絮明晃晃