We sat together at one summer’s end, 容膝而坐于夏末
That beautiful mild woman, your close friend, 娇人密友近近坐
And you and I, and talked of poetry.你我试谈音韵律
I said, ‘A line will take us hours maybe;吾谓斟酌时时过
Yet if it does not seem a moment’s thought, 若非瞬时废思忖
Our stitching and unstitching has been naught. 穿针索断解无着
Better go down upon your marrow-bones 上下骨引划契阔
And scrub a kitchen pavement, or break stones 擦拭厨局与碎末
Like an old pauper, in all kinds of weather; 一如老鳏浮沃水
For to articulate sweet sounds together参差声声响乐(yue)乐(le)
Is to work harder than all these, and yet 非但人为可此做
Be thought an idler by the noisy set 虽为闲士惑岸旁
Of bankers, schoolmasters, and clergymen 学士神父加烈殉
The martyrs call the world.’ 异口同声阵三堂
And thereupon
That beautiful mild woman for whose sake 婉女有为此番故
There’s many a one shall find out all heartache 痛心疾首一堆人
On finding that her voice is sweet and low 巡处轻声加微语
Replied, ‘To be born woman is to know—忽答孕女知此殇
Although they do not talk of it at school—虽不声言于塾肆
That we must labour to be beautiful.’我必产做以美坣
I said, ‘It’s certain there is no fine thing 吾言美事得隐隐
Since Adam’s fall but needs much labouring.缘自亚当苦功创
There have been lovers who thought love should be 施爱方得介爱果
So much compounded of high courtesy 礼尚婚配复得郎
That they would sigh and quote with learned looks 轻轻叹息佳容 阅
Precedents out of beautiful old books; 典出古籍佳境房
Yet now it seems an idle trade enough.’似乎天生人亦忙
We sat grown quiet at the name of love; 以爱之域坐愈静
We saw the last embers of daylight die, 日浴余晖日揽处
And in the trembling blue-green of the sky 天染青青緑晃晃
A moon, worn as if it had been a shell 月朽褴褛一苦壳
Washed by time’s waters as they rose and fell 起落潮汐废时荒
About the stars and broke in days and years.累月经天 星 碎霜
I had a thought for no one’s but your ears: 耳不听念自念念
That you were beautiful, and that I strove 我为追寻一美名
To love you in the old high way of love;古道热肠爱倾覆
That it had all seemed happy, and yet we’d grown 一美一生两两擎
As weary-hearted as that hollow moon.折腰博命月空心
And you and I, and talked of poetry.你我试谈音韵律
I said, ‘A line will take us hours maybe;吾谓斟酌时时过
Yet if it does not seem a moment’s thought, 若非瞬时废思忖
Our stitching and unstitching has been naught. 穿针索断解无着
Better go down upon your marrow-bones 上下骨引划契阔
And scrub a kitchen pavement, or break stones 擦拭厨局与碎末
Like an old pauper, in all kinds of weather; 一如老鳏浮沃水
For to articulate sweet sounds together参差声声响乐(yue)乐(le)
Is to work harder than all these, and yet 非但人为可此做
Be thought an idler by the noisy set 虽为闲士惑岸旁
Of bankers, schoolmasters, and clergymen 学士神父加烈殉
The martyrs call the world.’ 异口同声阵三堂
And thereupon
That beautiful mild woman for whose sake 婉女有为此番故
There’s many a one shall find out all heartache 痛心疾首一堆人
On finding that her voice is sweet and low 巡处轻声加微语
Replied, ‘To be born woman is to know—忽答孕女知此殇
Although they do not talk of it at school—虽不声言于塾肆
That we must labour to be beautiful.’我必产做以美坣
I said, ‘It’s certain there is no fine thing 吾言美事得隐隐
Since Adam’s fall but needs much labouring.缘自亚当苦功创
There have been lovers who thought love should be 施爱方得介爱果
So much compounded of high courtesy 礼尚婚配复得郎
That they would sigh and quote with learned looks 轻轻叹息佳容 阅
Precedents out of beautiful old books; 典出古籍佳境房
Yet now it seems an idle trade enough.’似乎天生人亦忙
We sat grown quiet at the name of love; 以爱之域坐愈静
We saw the last embers of daylight die, 日浴余晖日揽处
And in the trembling blue-green of the sky 天染青青緑晃晃
A moon, worn as if it had been a shell 月朽褴褛一苦壳
Washed by time’s waters as they rose and fell 起落潮汐废时荒
About the stars and broke in days and years.累月经天 星 碎霜
I had a thought for no one’s but your ears: 耳不听念自念念
That you were beautiful, and that I strove 我为追寻一美名
To love you in the old high way of love;古道热肠爱倾覆
That it had all seemed happy, and yet we’d grown 一美一生两两擎
As weary-hearted as that hollow moon.折腰博命月空心