

To communicate with Mars, converse with spirits,通灵交流于火星

To report the behaviour of the sea monster,告知海怪有此为
Describe the horoscope, haruspicate or scry,惊叹天宫星占图
Observe disease in signatures, evoke病毒有此一画押
Biography from the wrinkles of the palm掌心褶皱现人生
And tragedy from fingers; release omens指间悲剧可预察
By sortilege, or tea leaves, riddle the inevitable龟占茶叶试迷解
With playing cards, fiddle with pentagrams牌戏摆弄五角星
Or barbituric acids, or dissect巴比妥酸或解刨
The recurrent image into pre-conscious terrors—频频附体鬼惧中
To explore the womb, or tomb, or dreams; all these are usual子宫坟茔释梦魇
Pastimes and drugs, and features of the press:媒体蛊文常用药
And always will be, some of them especially特别其中运将至
When there is distress of nations and perplexity国忧家虑大苦恼
Whether on the shores of Asia, or in the Edgware Road.尽至亚西亚海岸
Men’s curiosity searches past and future或揽E路古今奇
And clings to that dimension. But to apprehend执著维度以全解
The point of intersection of the timeless时间消息无出路
With time, is an occupation for the saint—俟圣存有一占据
No occupation either, but something given存有一无所获存
And taken, in a lifetime’s death in love,只被爱衍生死情
Ardour and selflessness and self-surrender.忘我有我两不知

For most of us, there is only the unattended我中多有未参时

Moment, the moment in and out of time,时出时入倏忽间
The distraction fit, lost in a shaft of sunlight,日照入井分心在
The wild thyme unseen, or the winter lightning节奏如狂如冬日
Or the waterfall, or music heard so deeply如乐深深水泄流
That it is not heard at all, but you are the music耳不聪慧唯乐流
While the music lasts. These are only hints and guesses,唯有暗忖与猜度
Hints followed by guesses; and the rest暗忖跟著猜度余
Is prayer, observance, discipline, thought and action.祈望心为施约束
The hint half guessed, the gift half understood, is Incarnation.忖度半半化身解
Here the impossible union
Of spheres of existence is actual,存有可能于未知
Here the past and future 过往未来聚可辨
Are conquered, and reconciled,辨中一端亦征服
Where action were otherwise movement
Of that which is only moved瞬间一移无源头
And has in it no source of movement
Driven by daemonic, chthonic声波迷幻驱策时
Powers. And right action is freedom确行实在自由时
From past and future also.过往时下皆如此
For most of us, this is the aim
Never here to be realised;却为梦幻心向往
Who are only undefeated
Because we have gone on trying;不败屡施诚意在
We, content at the last
If our temporal reversion nourish如有世俗渐驱良
(Not too far from the yew-tree)(并不远离有紫杉)
The life of significant soil. 沃土生生有命牵
T.S. Eliot, “The Dry Salvages (Quartet No. 3)”, Four Quartets


 What we call the beginning is often the end 一言旋始即终结

And to make and end is to make a beginning. 末世一创开新元
The end is where we start from. And every phrase末世源自肇始处
And sentence that is right (where every word is at home,确词确句(本家言
Taking its place to support the others,言出有据阅你我
The word neither diffident nor ostentatious,字字意歧无定式
An easy commerce of the old and the new,新陈交解虽无碍
The common word exact without vulgarity,通意凿凿无妄语
The formal word precise but not pedantic,雅词确切无腐意
The complete consort dancing together双双对对可起舞)
Every phrase and every sentence is an end and a beginning,词始句始始末缠
Every poem an epitaph. And any action行止足敷墓志铭
Is a step to the block, to the fire, down the sea's throat炎焱火火入海喉
Or to an illegible stone: and that is where we start.抑或一见出身塚
We die with the dying:垂垂逾死赴黄泉
See, they depart, and we go with them.他去我往紧相随
We are born with the dead:我等生于即死处
See, they return, and bring us with them.他等相随携我去
The moment of the rose and the moment of the yew-tree倏忽紫杉玫瑰季
Are of equal duration. A people without history人无历史勿回赎
Is not redeemed from time, for history is a pattern因为历史无顿时
Of timeless moments. So, while the light fails冬时日光沉日午
On a winter's afternoon, in a secluded chapel沉落偏僻小教堂
History is now and England.英国即日即历史

With the drawing of this Love and the voice of this Calling呼告有爱现此景

We shall not cease from exploration求索慢慢无止境
And the end of all our exploring索元我等至终日
Will be to arrive where we started原来回到是起点
And know the place for the first time.开始之地业已解
Through the unknown, unremembered gate越过未知丧忆门
When the last of earth left to discover此界末日当莅临
Is that which was the beginning;都是创世之肇始
At the source of the longest river最长长河可溯源
The voice of the hidden waterfall涛声依旧业隐声
And the children in the apple-tree孩儿无知援果树
Not known, because not looked for只因耳聪非目明
But heard, half-heard, in the stillness听听半听渐希声
Between two waves of the sea.只在海与波涛间
Quick now, here, now, always—此处立马现在时
A condition of complete simplicity一切情景皆单纯
(Costing not less than everything)(一切代价不会少)
And all shall be well and一切前景岁月好
All manner of thing shall be well规矩都会变方圆
When the tongues of flames are in-folded一旦炎炎折火舌
Into the crowned knot of fire吞火结舌结冠结
And the fire and the rose are one.火与玫瑰一体连



  Time present and time past 戏说此时已成前

Are both perhaps present in time future都在未来刻舟沿

And time future contained in time past.未来含遍史中事

If all time is eternally present此刻若定无变势

All time is unredeemable.古往今来勿迁连

What might have been is an abstraction变局业已成神预

Remaining a perpetual possibility机遇永动不拒期

Only in a world of speculation.只因世界聚相随

What might have been and what has been太阳底下无新事

Point to one end, which is always present.末日一变已成新

Footfalls echo in the memory足踏神幽忆犹在

Down the passage which we did not take遂幽向迷曲径转

Towards the door we never opened并未启门可洞开

Into the rose-garden. My words echo玫瑰院前言未止

Thus, in your mind.无言尽在汝心栽

But to what purpose

Disturbing the dust on a bowl of rose-leaves

I do not know.天何有意搅尘凡


                                   Other echoes

Inhabit the garden. Shall we follow?神忆另辟化境在


Quick, said the bird, find them, find them,鸟语寻之速驱鹜

Round the corner. Through the first gate,首户往之围一隅

Into our first world, shall we follow我等随鸟入首界

The deception of the thrush? Into our first world.误读画眉第一遭

There they were, dignified, invisible,持重无形却安在

Moving without pressure, over the dead leaves,枯叶昌条飞无輾

In the autumn heat, through the vibrant air,云成五彩秋暑热

And the bird called, in response to有鸟回声乐声骈

The unheard music hidden in the shrubbery,丛丛灌木展音巢

And the unseen eyebeam crossed, for the roses小山重叠今明灭

Had the look of flowers that are looked at.玫瑰花阵一眉展

There they were as our guests, accepted and accepting. 新雨旧知亦迓迎

So we moved, and they, in a formal pattern,循规解构两不齐

Along the empty alley, into the box circle,局促亦空入圈套

To look down into the drained pool.眼见溺毙入水堂

Dry the pool, dry concrete, brown edged,塘边色昏塘边土

And the pool was filled with water out of sunlight,亦见水渍映日光

And the lotos rose, quietly, quietly,忘忧玫瑰复 静静

The surface glittered out of heart of light,心际周围更晃晃

And they were behind us, reflected in the pool.池中氤隐身影陷

Then a cloud passed, and the pool was empty.云过池影空荡荡

Go, said the bird, for the leaves were full of children,鸟语叶拾小友在

Hidden excitedly, containing laughter.只问笑语不问身

Go, go, go, said the bird: human kind去吧去吧鸟诉人

Cannot bear very much reality.一团虚宇无是真

Time past and time future过去未来解时序

What might have been and what has been业已过时真既往

Point to one end, which is always present.现实终至末世临


叶芝 二度来临

 叶芝 二度来临

Turning and turning in the widening gyre   旋天旋地旋心宇
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;猎鹰敷鹰无言语
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;万物堕半中心隳
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,安那其弥三界里
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere血泊散漫何处止  
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;天丧正仪溺毙矣
The best lack all conviction, while the worst   善限信誉为省缼
Are full of passionate intensity.恶无止境心丧至

Surely some revelation is at hand;天启正好在眼前
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.   二次来灵也可见
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out   言语无言见天莅
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi魂界圣光大遮掩
Troubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desert   漠漠黄沙致目眇
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,   遂形狮身人面头
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,   日光推白无情斫
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it  万物缓缓衍生处
Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds. 沙鸟声嘶一卷隐
The darkness drops again; but now I know   我知暗夜业降临
That twenty centuries of stony sleep二十世纪睡如砾
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,  摇床尽散梦魇恶
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,   野兽终时四围围
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?俯仰复活伯利恒?



渡海拜占庭 Sailing to Byzantium WILLIAM BUTLER YEATS 刘自立谑译

 That is no country for old men. The young家园弃老无怜心

In one another’s arms, birds in the trees,交臂春哥鸟艳鸣
—Those dying generations—at their song,垂死代代更歌咏
The salmon-falls, the mackerel-crowded seas,三文及鲫溺海滨
Fish, flesh, or fowl, commend all summer long肉鸾鱼命谢暑长
Whatever is begotten, born, and dies.死活复生以恒名
Caught in that sensual music all neglect乐有感性无常在
Monuments of unageing intellect.唯缺天塑一理型

An aged man is but a paltry thing,年高寿辱破烂金
A tattered coat upon a stick, unless衣裳褴褛挑脖筋
Soul clap its hands and sing, and louder sing魂灵击掌嘤嘤唱
For every tatter in its mortal dress,衣不蔽体肉骨膑
Nor is there singing school but studying雅乐实在不太雅
Monuments of its own magnificence;唯我独尊亦可吟
And therefore I have sailed the seas and come故此海渡帆魔乩
To the holy city of Byzantium.皇皇圣都拜占庭

O sages standing in God’s holy fire贤人面南沐圣焰
As in the gold mosaic of a wall,马赛可金可墙隘
Come from the holy fire, perne in a gyre,圣焰旋回世世轮
And be the singing-masters of my soul.我心自咏一主人
Consume my heart away; sick with desire心缚有欲必有病
And fastened to a dying animal兽兽可掳短命生
It knows not what it is; and gather me患知患得谓何物
Into the artifice of eternity.唯有天艺可永生

Once out of nature I shall never take我自自然然自已
My bodily form from any natural thing,吾物万形亦自然
But such a form as Grecian goldsmiths make然而形外有希腊
Of hammered gold and gold enamelling金匠塑金由金命
To keep a drowsy Emperor awake;觉掠皇荒一朝昧
Or set upon a golden bough to sing 承露金茎拾歌鸣
To lords and ladies of Byzantium拜占庭旁主男女
Of what is past, or passing, or to come.朝过朝往无昔时